
Time for a talent retention strategy at country level

A recurring topic of conversation nowadays is: Why are so many Mauritians choosing to leave the country and look for greener pastures abroad? Recent statistics do sound alarming. Some might say: look on the bright side! Mauritius has probably become one of the top producers and exporters of manpower in the world. But at what cost?

At the onset, let me concede that Talent Retention is a phrase predominantly associated with the business/corporate world and the term ‘Talent’ is often (mis)interpreted as referring to only a few lucky ones. Over the last few years, research and surveys carried out amongst CEOs worldwide place ‘Talent’ as the single most critical success factor for the future of businesses. This article makes a bold attempt at arguing that the same principle can also be applied to a country. In this context, ‘Talent’ would broadly encompass professional capabilities, critical skills, and key competencies required to make a country grow and prosper.

Root causes 

The first step in defining an effective strategy is to understand the underlying root causes in an objective way.

Therefore, let us address the elephant in the room. Objectively speaking, ‘brain drain’ is not a new phenomenon in itself. For more than half a century, our education system has encouraged our brightest students to leave Mauritius for higher education in some of the best universities in the world. A large majority of them have never returned to serve the country which was initially the fundamental condition attached to state-funded scholarships. 

Over the last two decades, however, more and more citizens (other than students) have made the choice to leave the country and the reasons behind have evolved dramatically. 

Here are some possible root causes to consider:

  1. School leavers have a much wider choice of options available in terms of universities and more households can now afford to pay tertiary education fees;
  2. New destinations have opened the floodgates to attract experienced and professional immigrants from all over the world e.g. Canada;
  3. Free access to information and accelerated communications have broken down barriers and opened new windows to the world out there and globalisation has generated new opportunities in terms of mobility;
  4. Growing concerns around socioeconomic vulnerability and fragility amongst larger portions of the population;
  5. The prevailing political climate in the country does not inspire trust, wellbeing and prosperity amongst a growing number of citizens across all age groups. Mainly caused by poor leadership of successive governments, numerous blunders and outdated systems which no one seems to be willing to change.

Common trigger

In my humble view, the common fundamental question that triggers the decision to leave the country is: Do I believe that Mauritius has a bright future ahead?
What keeps human beings alive when faced with the toughest challenges and when almost everything seems to be lost? The answer is Hope.

Sadly, many Mauritians have lost hope that Mauritius is the place to be for a better future for them or for their children. And when you lose hope you become desperate. And when you become desperate, you fall into a survival mode. Your thinking process is overshadowed by your basic survival instinct – need for food and shelter. You either give up on your ambition and become indifferent to your surroundings or you look for ways to get out of this survival mode and escape as fast (and as far) as possible. 

Components of the strategy

What gives people Hope? How to bring Hope back?
In corporate terms we can call it recognition, growth, honesty, integrity. In human terms, we can call it feeling worthy, important, loved. Having a sense of purpose.
Here are a few suggested areas to help pave the way forward:

a) Set the base for a future-ready Mauritian Talent pool

Education should be the Priority #1. 

  • One of the strongest indicators of a healthy society is how successful we are in attracting our best graduates in teaching. The quality of a country’s education can only be as good as the quality of its teachers.
  • Artificial intelligence is changing the way we learn and process information. Our education system – curriculum, learning methods, timetables, etc. should be overhauled to adapt to new technology and keep up with education innovation happening elsewhere.
  • How useful are the skills we teach at school in today’s workplace? In order to develop and grow new economic activities, we need skills and expertise in new sectors such data science, telemedicine or AI. We should attract more students into STEM subjects and coding skills should be taught in primary schools.

b) Address the skills mismatch once and for all

Let’s be honest. Over the last 10 years, we have failed to address and solve the skills mismatch issue despite several initiatives. We live in a paradox where we have less than 8% unemployment rate and companies are permanently struggling to find people for entry level jobs. 

We should introduce technology-enabled, data-driven Manpower Forecast and Supply & Demand mechanisms at country level across all economic sectors under the responsibility of a National Employment Agency (NEA). 

  • The NEA should be a one-stop shop for registration, employment counselling, training and placement of jobseekers. Inspired on existing European models e,g. the French ‘Pole Emploi’. It should be run as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) and should be the central source of statistics for employment and skills.
  • Set up a specialised institution under the NEA to run assessment centres, proactively upskill and create bridges between sectors for swift deployment of resources into high demand sectors.

c) Reimagine jobs and the workplace culture

Earlier this year, Business Mauritius launched a National Employee Engagement Survey across all economic sectors in Mauritius. The results and findings of this survey should be utilised in formulating standards and guidelines on the factors which impact most significantly on employee engagement in the workplace.

The Government’s initiative to allow employees to have a secondary income as well as flexible timings but we need more. Some people are able to do more and they should be allowed to do so without the fear of losing their jobs just because they take up a secondary employment after hours. The costs and administration should be made more flexible and affordable for microbusinesses and SMEs.

Success factors

The success of this Talent Retention strategy will depend on some key performance indicators: 

  • A compelling vision for the country
  • Exemplary leadership based on integrity and honesty
  • Fairness and equity in opportunities and rewards – in both reality and perception
  • Enhanced quality of life and value for money for every citizen
  • A culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and continuous growth

Author: Krishan Deeljore
[email protected]

Krishan Deeljore is the Founder of BI Instruments, a boutique consulting firm providing advisory services to clients in the Indian Ocean, Middle East and East Africa regions.


National Employee Engagement survey 2023

48 % des salariés ne s’estiment pas rémunérés à leur juste valeur pour le travail qu’ils accomplissent, et plusieurs d’entre eux sont d’avis que leur salaire ne suffit pas face à la cherté de la vie. C’est ce que révèle la National Employee Engagement Survey. Cette toute première étude nationale concernant l’engagement des employés, un sondage effectué en ligne pendant six mois, a été lancée en mars par Business Mauritius et Wills Towers Watson (WTW), avec le soutien du United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) et du Human Resources Development Council (HRDC). Plus de 300 entreprises et un total de 21 603 employés y ont participé.

Les résultats de cette étude ont été dévoilés jeudi au Hennessy Park Hotel à Ebène. Lors de la présentation, l’accent a été mis sur la nécessité d’une récompense qui ne se traduit pas seulement par un salaire en échange de l’exécution d’un travail, mais aussi par l’honnêteté, la confiance, le respect, la responsabilisation et les «incentives». Car selon cette étude, la principale raison qui pousse les employés à quitter leur poste est la perception négative de la récompense.

Selon les résultats, 85 % des salariés se sentent engagés et accorde un sentiment de but à leur travail. Cependant, parmi les principaux défis auxquels font face les employés : ils ne reçoivent pas souvent un feedback constructif et régulier, et ils ont du mal à faire entendre leur voix et à faire prendre en compte leur point de vue dans la prise de décision.

Cette étude a également révélé, entre autres, que les personnes travaillant dans le secteur de l’hébergement et de la restauration semblaient être les plus heureuses. Cela s’explique principalement par la relation naturelle qui semble exister entre le travail centré sur le client et la satisfaction des employés, ainsi que par la capacité de ce secteur à fonctionner sans heurts après les bouleversements liés à la pandémie de Covid-19. En revanche, les femmes travaillant dans le secteur de la finance et de l’assurance sont les plus susceptibles de quitter leur poste. L’étude révèle que quatre femmes sur dix travaillant dans le secteur de la finance et de l’assurance et ayant atteint le milieu de leur carrière ne sont pas déterminées à rester sur le même lieu de travail.

L’étude a également mis en évidence un écart entre l’engagement des hommes et celui des femmes, qui semble être lié à la culture du travail et qui affecte de manière différente les hommes et les femmes.

Author: Krishan Deeljore [email protected]

Krishan Deeljore is the Founder and Managing Director of BI Instruments Ltd, a boutique consulting and advisory firm providing bespoke services to Clients in the Indian Ocean and East Africa region.


The Future Value of Talent Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, I described a system which can help CEOs and business owners adopt a strategic approach to managing the value of employee contributions by differentiating between jobs according to their value and cost impact. But for this system to work and bring results a second element is essential; very much like it takes two hands clapping to make a noise. In this second part, we will talk about a second shift in past belief: How Employees should rethink their potential and ensure they are future-ready.

It is common belief that employees are an organization’s most valuable asset. Well, not exactly. In more precise terms, the most valuable asset of a business is its engaged and motivated employees. It is a fact that the last several weeks have been mostly people-led and technology-supported. Amidst the prevailing uncertainty, it is safe to assume that the future will be even more digital and technologically driven than before the pandemic. What this means for employees is a radical shift in the way we choose and manage our careers.

Shift #2: Employees must rethink their potential and switch off the autopilot to ensure they are future-ready

Career growth and development are some of the top things people look for in jobs. Yet, lack of career opportunities is among the top 2 reasons why people leave their job. It is common belief that career management is the joint responsibility of both individuals and the organizations employing them. Yet, for most individuals a productive career conversation with the manager is either a box-filling exercise or just a fallacy.

Truth is, most employees go through their entire professional life on ‘autopilot’ mode and rarely pause to rethink their potential. Whether we have a fulfilling career or not is considered to be a matter of luck or chance rather than choice. Why? In neuropsychological terms, our brain is prewired for routine, familiarity and simplicity. Although we do enjoy the odd dose of new experiences now and again, most of us will choose to stay in a comfort zone which is in fact a survival mode.

Probably the biggest gift of the pandemic has been that it has provided us with the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on what is really important in our life
  • Realise where we have shortcomings and misalignment
  • Reset our priorities and goals

It is probably too soon for most people to realize this, but in a few years’ time, a significant number of people will likely end up in better careers and look back at 2020 as a defining moment in their professional life. You will not get a better opportunity to switch off the autopilot mode and switch on your Career self-management mode. If you want to effective and successful, then you have to start with an End in mind.

10 Powerful Questions to ask yourself when defining your career goals

  1. What is my purpose?
  2. How do I define career success? What does career success look and feel like for me?
  3. What would my dream job/career be like if I had the power to make it any way I wanted?
  4. Am I achieving some level of success in my current job? If not, what must I change?
  5. What are my personal values? What drives me?
  6. Is my career the best fit for by interests and abilities?
  7. Do I have a gift or calling? How can I share this gift or best answer the call in a way that will fulfill me?
  8. What is the one activity I love most? Is it part of my career? If not, how can I make it part of my career?
  9. Where do I want to be in my career in 5 years? In 10 years? In 15 years?
  10. Why is this goal important?

Whether you are nervous about losing your job or you are thinking of an opportunistic career move over the next few weeks, you should be in control and in the driving seat when it comes to career decision. Question is: what are you doing to futureproof yourself?

We expect digital transformation to be an even bigger imperative for organizations to survive in the short-term future. Contrary to popular belief, digital transformation is less about technology and more about people. We talk about future skills such as software engineering and data science, yet the key is to find the people who can manage these engineers and scientists and get them to work as a team to outperform our competitors. The digital future of work represents almost limitless opportunities for unlearning, reskilling and upskilling ourselves.

“Everything in business can be copied except for Talent”

Organisations must change the way they measure and manage Talent and Employees must start owning and consciously driving their careers to future-proof themselves for the digital transformation which is underway. In doing so, we depend on two of our most natural abilities – Adaptability and Curiosity. We have shown during this crisis that we can adapt and bounce back from adversity. We must now stay curious, so we always have options, even outside of a crisis.


“Digital transformation is about talent, not technology” by Becky Frankiewicz and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, HBR May 2020

Author: Krishan Deeljore [email protected]

Krishan Deeljore is the Founder and Managing Director of BI Instruments Ltd, a boutique consulting and advisory firm providing bespoke services to Clients in the Indian Ocean and East Africa region.

The-Future-Value-of-Talent (1)

The Future Value of Talent

Future value is generally defined as the value of an asset at a specific date in the future. In monetary terms, it measures the nominal future sum of money that a given sum of money is “worth” at a specified time in the future assuming a certain interest rate, or a rate of return. A lot has already been said and written about the future value of investments, money and assets in the post Covid-19 world, but not much yet about the future value of the most valuable asset – Employees.

A company which manages its financial assets recklessly is automatically sanctioned by shareholders, auditors, and regulators for inefficient use of funds. However, we rarely hear about companies being sanctioned for careless or irresponsible management of their human assets. Although it is common belief amongst CEOs and senior executives that employees are crucial to an organization’s success, many companies find it very difficult to quantify and measure their employees’ contributions to the bottom-line.

In my view, this crisis is an opportunity for us to radically improve the way we measure and manage the value of Talent in organisations. And in order to do so, we must challenge two past beliefs. As the title suggests, this article is split in 2 parts – CEOs on one side and Employees on the other (a coin analogy seemed fit). This first part describes the 1st Shift for CEOs and business owners. In the second part, we will talk about the Shift required for Employees.

Shift #1: CEOs must adopt a strategic approach to measuring, recognising and managing the value of employee contributions.

At the very onset of the lockdown in Mauritius, many companies swiftly opted to guarantee a minimum service to their clients by asking some teams to work from home. In order to do so, they had to select those people who were ‘business critical’. For those who were part of this decision-making process, you will recall that these decisions were primarily based on the role that these employees have and how critical their activity is for clients or cashflow. Whether they were top performers in the company became somewhat insignificant. Similarly, when defining your business continuity plan, you would typically rank your core activities in terms of criticality and then select the core teams based on how essential their roles are in guaranteeing your business continuity.

In ‘normal’ times however, managers would be reluctant to categorise their teams in such a way for fear of sounding biased. In fact, organisations have been designed in such a way that employees are classified according to departments and functions, not according to how essential their roles are to the success of the company. In addition, rewards and recognition programs are most commonly linked to individual performance, without any distinction of business criticality. This is the first belief that businesses must start challenging and invariably it has to start from the top.

Back in 2006, Jeffrey Joerres and Dominique Turcq proposed a model to classify jobs according to the role they play in creating value for customers and shareholders rather than department. They argued that this model could improve the effectiveness of recruiting, training, and deployment. Such a system seemed revolutionary at the time but could have much wider and deeper significance in the current context.

Here are 4 steps to put it into practice:

  1. Define every job in your company in terms of the main purpose, required knowledge, experience, technical skills and behavioural competencies. Important to dissociate the jobs from the individuals who perform them.
  2. Evaluate the Value of each job by the value impact or cost impact on the organizational performance.
    1. Value impact: what is the risk to the financial performance or reputation of the company if this job is not performed well?
    1. Cost impact: skill complexity and training required to perform the job. Both are directly proportional to cost of employing this skill.
  3. Determine the relative Value of each job by comparing to other jobs horizontally across departments
  4. Classify the jobs into four categories – Creators, Ambassadors, Drivers and Craft Masters – based on their value and map them in a 4-quadrants diagram (illustrated below).
  1. Creators are the mind and brain behind the organization’s business model and strategy.
  2. Ambassadors represent the organization’s public face and are directly responsible for customer experience.
  3. Drivers represent the largest percentage of human resources in most companies and they keep the business running.
  4. Craft Masters are the equivalent of a Control tower. They ensure the quality, timeliness, and cost-effectiveness of the execution of the business strategy.

In the process of reshaping the world of work, this system can guide CEOs and business owners to make several key strategic decisions in an objective way, thus minimising legal and reputational risks:

  1. When devising more flexible policies in terms of place and hours of work, organisations can more easily determine distinct strategies for each segment and thus better manage any impact on business output.
  2. It provides solid rationale for companies to adopt a more agile mix of part-time, full-time, freelance or outsourced resources. For example, Creators and Ambassadors, would generally be hired and trained as permanent headcount whereas Drivers, may be brought in as temporary or contract workers and Craft Masters engaged as independent consultants.
  3. This categorisation can also help companies figure out adequate downsizing and restructuring strategies while preserving and enhancing the value of talent.

In the second part, we will talk about Shift #2: How Employees should rethink their potential and ensure they are future-ready.

Author: Krishan Deeljore

[email protected]

Krishan Deeljore is the Founder and Managing Director of BI Instruments Ltd, a boutique consulting and advisory firm providing bespoke services to Clients in the Indian Ocean and East Africa region.

5 Ways to Promote Gender Equality in the Workplace

Are you ready for business unusual?


As the dust is starting to settle around us, there is a strong feeling of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) when we think about what is awaiting us after the lockdown is lifted completely and when will we be able to resume business as usual. In fact, what does business as usual even mean anymore?

his article aims to provide some constructive thoughts and ideas on how to go about devising immediate, medium- and long-term strategies over the next weeks and months with particular focus on people strategies.

5 changes we can expect to see in the workforce

  • Employee engagement levels have most likely dropped quite significantly due to prolonged social isolation, increased levels of anxiety and lack of team interactions.
  • Employees’ priorities have changed. After this long stretch of remote working and home sheltering, many people have shifted their priorities and will be asking for more flexibility in their work patterns.
  • Where and when to work. With strict social and physical distancing measures, commuting to and from a physical office at least five times a week and having all employees turn up in the same location all at the same time will not work.
  • Technostress has or will most likely become a new amplified form of work-related burnout in the post Covid-19 era caused by the phenomenal increase in the use of digital technologies and devices (ref – ‘The Technostress: definition, symptoms and risk prevention’ by Marta Chiappetta, 2017).
  • Value of talent. The pressure on companies to retain key talent has never been more critical.

10 ways of shaping the future workforce

“Our future will depend on the decisions that we make now!”

1. Take stock of lessons learnt

A relatively easy starting point is to start with lessons learnt from this crisis. What did we learn as an individual, team, organisation? What went well? What steps should we take to avoid same mistakes in the future? What behaviours were adopted during the pandemic that we want to preserve? How can we restructure to manage our costs today, and position our organization for success in the future?

 2. Engagement = Productivity

Running an employee engagement survey to assess the state of mind of your people, their fears as well as their expectations. This will help you identify as accurately as possible the soft spots and weak areas which should be prioritised. For example, one of the hot topics can be assessed: Is your workforce ready to perform productively at home?

3.Provide flexibility

Flexibility for some could mean reassigning more time for self and family. For others it could mean flexibility to have a secondary source of income. Consider introducing a voluntary special leave policy on a temporary basis, shorter working week or other flexible arrangements in the immediate to short-term.

4. Create an elastic workforce

Many firms are already experimenting with different work patterns such as rotating schedules, split shifts and ‘hybrid’ teams (mix of onsite and online) in order to accommodate the transportation and movement restrictions. Adopt and adapt workforce models from the software, consulting and BPO industries which have been operating in an elastic manner for many years.

5. Lose fat, keep muscles

For companies who will trigger a restructuring exercise, more weightage should be given to people’s technical skills and behavioural competencies and more particularly how critical and relevant they are or will be for the core activities of the business.

6. Anticipate future skills

Experts predict that tech savviness, data literacy and coding skills will become extremely valuable in the new world of work. In order to further mitigate the risks of losing key talent and expertise, organisations must start anticipating the skills which will be critical in their new business model.

7. Accelerate digitalisation

People’s relationship with technology and internet has radically changed during this crisis. Organisations must start exploring the use of digital collaboration tools and virtual solutions on a wider scale. However, as most of the workforce shifts to work remotely and as other critical operations begin to rely more heavily on virtual connections, make sure that your IT systems and your cybersecurity are both up to the challenge.

8. Embed Virtual Learning culture

The way people at national scale have used technology for remote learning, distance education and online learning during the pandemic is quite staggering. This trend will continue as long as physical distancing and travel restrictions prevail. Companies should therefore invest time in cross-training, upskilling and re-skilling of their workforce by leveraging on existing learning platforms and online resources.

 9. Get closer to your customers

This is the right time to value and nurture relationships with your customers, suppliers, sub-contractors and third party service providers. Turn them into strategic partnerships, even if there is no business deal at stake. If there is one lesson to be learnt from Covid-19, then it is about being more human in the way we do business.

10. Corporate citizenship

While focusing on all these internal and external aspects, businesses should not forget the community. More than ever before, we should show our support to the less privileged people in our society. Simply choose a good cause and make it count!

Whatever you decide to do remember that everything starts and ends with leadership. Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic is the most difficult time humanity has experienced in the last 100 years, it can also be a time of unprecedented innovation and creativity. If anything, it would have helped us – to quote from How the Coronavirus Crisis Is Redefining Jobs’, Harvard Business Publishing, April 2020 – “build greater resilience and efficiency in our organizations, and help our people live healthier, more sustainable lives”.

Author: Krishan Deeljore [email protected]

[1] ‘The Technostress: definition, symptoms and risk prevention’ by Marta Chiappetta, 2017

[1] How the Coronavirus Crisis Is Redefining Jobs, Harvard Business Publishing, April 2020


A State of Emergence

As simplistic as it may sound, this ‘Giga-normous’ system which we like to call World has re-booted itself, reset to default settings and no one holds the manual, in fact there is no manual to set it back to its previous settings. Most experts even seem to believe that we will never actually go back to the previous settings. We will therefore inevitably see the Emergence of a post coronavirus system. And for this to happen, we will need a Novel way of thinking and problem-solving which is beyond everything that we knew and understood about our previous World. This is exactly why it is becoming less and less likely that an individual human mind will have the capacity to come up with the ground breaking or Miracle solution to make this all go away.. not because we are not smart or wise enough.. but because whatever we will think or design will always be biased by our past and present paradigms and construct which have now become obsolete anyway. So where do we start?

What defines us as human beings is that we have the innate and primary ability to adapt to our external environment and find opportunity in adversity. Except that this time around we need to adopt a completely different approach, unlike anything that we have tried or tested (in this generation at least), but which is within all of us.

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” – Aristotle

What this quote probably means for us in this context is that we should be focusing on the Whole rather than on the individual parts of the system which has collapsed. Before reaching a state of Emergence, we must take a few steps to create the optimum conditions for this Novel design to Emerge:-

  1. We must understand and recognise the concept of ‘bottom-up’ intelligence and self-organising systems. A system which is made up of individually average components can collectively operate at an above average level and work in an extremely efficient manner without someone ‘in charge’. The ant colony for example.
  2. We must separate the Whole from its parts. In Engineering terms, when a system is broken, you must find the fault and fix that part of the system for the system to start working again. But when you want a new system, you cannot focus on the parts. The parts can also mean the different fields of research and business which we have created over the last 100 years.
  3. We must promote and foster intellectual alliances and coalitions.. subject matter experts from different fields must get together and converge their thoughts and ideas. We must break industry silos and leave egos aside and come together with one common goal – go beyond ourselves to imagine and build a new system for at least the next 100 years.


Additional reading:

The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2007)

Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software by Steven Johnson (2001)


8 ingredients for success when working remotely

As much as it hurts to say and hear it, we have to admit it – “Work has invaded our Homes”. Over the past few weeks, people have just been adjusting to working remotely. Albeit without much training and with limited resources. We have called it the ‘biggest social experiment of the century’. According to recent surveys, up to 74% of businesses expect most of their employees to continue to work from home after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. Not as a business continuity plan, but as ‘The New Normal’.

If you are an employer, you have realized that your people work differently when they work remotely. This means that the support you need to provide to them is different, too. Most of us have realized that remote work success is not a given and the effort to be put in cannot be underestimated. It is one thing to work from home as a convenience or a forced alternative, but doing it for extended periods and being consistently successful at it is a totally different ball game.

With the increasing financial pressure, employers will be aiming and expecting to reach equivalent if not higher productivity levels through remote working as quickly as possible. As an employee, how do you ensure you are ready to excel at it?

Behavioural research by leading firm SHL shows that for successful performance in a remote work environment, these three factors are essential and equally important:


  • Work Relationships: A sense of isolation is common for remote workers, which can reduce work motivation. Establishing social connections, maintaining open communication, and building strong cooperative working relationships can overcome feelings of social isolation in a remote work environment to enable high performance.
  • Work Habits: Many remote workers are more productive than those working in offices. Working independently, managing time efficiently, and staying focused on tasks are critical skills to remain productive in a remote work environment.
  • Self-Development & Well-Being: Engagement is increased when workers have opportunities to learn new skills and use those skills to meet challenging goals. Being flexible, willing to take initiative, and looking for opportunities to improve performance are important capabilities to thrive in a remote work environment.

In other words, your readiness to perform productively while working remotely and to be successful at it can be broken down into these 8 behaviours:

1.      Do you put effort into developing and maintaining good relationships with others at work?

2.      Are you willing to share information and offer help and guidance to others?

3.      Are you confident and effective when working in an autonomous way, i.e. without direct supervision or help from others?

4.      Do you manage your own time effectively and deliver work on schedule?

5.      Can you stay focused on tasks over a long period of time without getting distracted?

6.      Can you easily accept and adapt to changes in your work environment?

7.      Do you actively and readily look for development opportunities in order to improve your own performance?

8.      Do you seek additional work and enjoy taking on new responsibilities?

Hopefully, each one of those questions will resonate with you and make you become aware of what is required in terms of behavioural shift. The next step will be to identify your strengths and start working on your areas of improvement. As an employer, it becomes paramount to identify your organization’s strengths as well as potential areas for training and support in this new world of work. This will enable you to plan, prepare and develop your workforce for remote work success.

Author: Krishan Deeljore

[email protected]